Rebecca Review

Working as a lady’s companion, the orphaned heroine of Rebecca learns her place. Life begins to look very bleak until, on a trip to the South of France, she meets Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower whose sudden proposal of marriage takes her by surprise. Whisked from glamorous Monte Carlo to his brooding estate, Manderley, on the Cornish Coast, the new Mrs de Winter finds Max a changed man. And the memory of his dead wife Rebecca is forever kept alive by the forbidding Mrs Danvers . . .

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Stardust Review

Author: Neil Gaiman Series: Standalone No. of pages: 248 Dates read: 03.01.20 – 10.01.20 Rating: 2 stars Challenge: 2nd Chance Challenge Plot: Life moves at a leisurely pace in the tiny town of Wall—named after the imposing stone barrier which separates the town from a grassy meadow. Here, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart […]

December Wrap Up 2019

So, this is my final wrap up for 2019 and I didn’t read as many books this month as I had hoped but I did read one massive book!

Murder at the Dolphin Hotel – Helena Dixon (3 stars)

This was an ARC I received from Bookouture and I was worried that maybe I had over-saturated myself with murder mysteries by the time I got to this book but thankfully this wasn’t the case. This book kept me wanting and with each chapter ending it drew me into the story more and more. That being said I don’t really think the main female protagonist was really framed as the main character and that author spent more time on our secondary male protagonist which was a bit disappointing.

The Eye of the World – Robert Jordan (5 stars)

This was a book that I put down to focus on the ARCs that I had been approved to read. Going into it I was worried that it was too out of my comfort zone, I had heard it compared to The Lord of the Rings which was not my favourite series so I was worried I would feel the same way which to be frank was boredom! But thankfully, that was not the case at all. What I found was an intricate world, layered characters and exciting plot that made me start theorising everything.

Spinning Silver – Naomi Novik (3 stars)

A loose re-telling of Rumpelstiltskin that drew me in with it’s beautiful imagery and varied female characters. While it drew me in from the beginning I can’t say that it remained that way, the writing was beautiful yet slow paced and the momentum I had gained at the beginning just fell away about 3/4 in. But I can’t deny that the female characters were amazing!

Hills Like White Elephants – Ernest Hemingway (3 stars)

I went for an average rating here as I have to be honest. I had no idea what this story was about. It was 4 pages of confusion! A weird way to end the year!